Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Books In Our Library

Check out the new titles that are in our library!!!

Writing a Life: Teaching Memoir to Sharpen Insight, Shape Meaning--and Triumph Over Tests.
by Katherine Bomer

Hidden Gems: Naming and Teaching From the Brilliance in Every Student's Writing
by Katherine Bomer

Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle School
by Georgia Heard

No More "I'm Done!": Fostering Independent Writers in the Primary Grades
by Jennifer Jacobson

Craft Lessons: Teaching Writing K-8
by Ralph Fletcher and Joann Portalupi

Teaching Adolescent Writers
by Kelly Gallagher

Talking, Drawing, and Writing: Lessons for Our Youngest Writers
by Martha Horn and Mary Ellen Giacobbe

About the Authors: Writing Workshop with our Youngest Writers
by Katie Wood Ray with Lisa B. Cleaveland

Engaging Young Writers: Preschool-Grade 1
by Matt Glover

Already Ready: Nurturing Writers in Preschool and Kindergarten
by Katie Wood Ray and Matt Glover

Lessons that Change Writers
by Nancie Atwell

We also have 3 of Sara Holbrook's books. Sara will be our guest speaker at the 2010 Summer Institute. Here are the following books we have of Sara's in our SWWP Library:

Wham! It's a Poetry Jam: Discovering Performance Poetry

Practical Poetry: A Nonstandard Approach to Meeting Content-Area Standards

Outspoken! How to Improve Writing and Speaking Skills Through Poetry Performance

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Reading and Writing Mini Conference

On February 6, 2010, over 70 teachers, librarians, administrators and student teachers from Sumter School Districts 2, 17, University of South Carolina, and surrounding private schools gathered at Pocalla Springs Elementary to attend the first (possibly annual) reading and writing mini conference. The primary objective of the conference was to provide elementary school teachers with model lessons and/or strategies that can immediately be implemented in the classroom. Local teachers conducted breakout sessions that focused on research-based instructional strategies for building and strengthening reading-writing connections within specific genres.

Peggy Bing-O'banner was the keynote speaker. She engaged the teachers with a keynote about the essential elements and issues surrounding reading and writing connections.

With knowledge gained from the Reading and Writing Mini Conference, teachers are tasked with facilitating projects that will further engage students in meaningful writing activities and sharing their knowledge in professional development settings.
-Submitted by Ureka Hilton