Monday, September 14, 2009

Leadership Retreat

I just wanted to let everyone know what a great time I had at the leadership retreat last week. I was disappointed about not having the summer institute at first, but we got so many important items taken care of in such a short time that it was worth it. I'm especially excited about the advanced summer institute that Suzanne Koty and I are going to do for TCs. I've already talked to several TCs who are also very excited about it. The workshop will be an advanced writing workshop for our TCs who just didn't get enough writing workshop when they did the summer institute and want to write more. Suzanne and I have been furiously planning that workshop. We'll have more information on the website in August. We will have an application on the website for those who are interested. I very much enjoyed seeing Frank Baker on Thursday, June 18th. I wish all of you could have been there, but his website is great too. Check it out! I have so many ideas from his presentation not only for my own classroom, but for our broadcast media class that the English department at Sumter High offers. I'm very excited about sharing some of the information and ideas with my department. As many of you know, I have had the SWWP library at my house for two years, and this was not only inconvenient for me, but a pain for all of you to check out books. Those books are now housed at the USC Sumter library, and I will be getting a complete list of all those books on our website. I'll have that list finished by Friday July 3rd. We will be getting all TCs cards so that they can check the books out of the library. If you need a book before then, please feel free to go to the library and ask where they're housed, and you can use them in the library. Hopefully this will be a more user-friendly way to run the library. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything involving the SWWP.

-Written by Lynette Creech

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